Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Brady Watch -- Day 2

Madeline has made it 2 days without a brady. Will she make it to day 5 without resetting the clock? We'll see. In other news, Maddy put several ounces and is now 6 lbs 15.4 ozs. Look for her to go over 7 lbs tomorrow! Maddy also passed her car seat test, so the only thing that stands between her and discharge is 5 days without a brady. Let's all keep our fingers crossed. Milo is now nippling all feeds as tolerated, and he's about an ounce or two less than Maddy right now. He had nice bath last night, which he always enjoys, and his liver test yesterday showed significant improvement. By the way, for those of you counting, the babies have been at Alta Bates for 109 days now.


richard sucre said...

Go Maddy Go!!!!

Lali said...

Those babies are so big and beautiful! I hear you on the RSV watch. Bob had it and is still paying the consequences 5 years later (of course, he was in daycare).

What did you decide about the circumcision? I hope you did it. We opted NOT to with Bob and deeply regretted it.

I am praying for your little ones all the time. I can't wait till I see the post that they are home. Big hugs and lots of love.
