Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Preliminary Results!

As of this morning, according to the notoriously fallible isolette scale, Milo has reached the 3 pound mark. Madeline also put on weight and is clocking in at 2 lbs. 14 ozs. But no money should change hands yet! We've received "preliminary" results int he past, and we're proposing that the race to 3 pounds not be called until either baby sustains 3 pounds + for at least two days. Don't count Maddy out yet! She's a pretty voracious little eater, and she poops less than "big" brother.

1 comment:

Dani said...

I'm still not sure which is worse, newborn poop or 20 month old poop. Both have their disadvantages. Glad to hear the twins are doing so well. My money is on Maddie to get to 3 pounds first and hold it. I know how those boys can go, and go and go... Milo might get there first, but it will definitely be Maddie who takes the money.
